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Does your employer owe you back wages?
When you get a job in Kentucky, your employer can't pay you less than minimum wage. They also have to compensate you for overtime. Even if your employer tells you something different, you could file a complaint if they don't give you fair compensation. What happens if...
Unemployment is a make it or break it issue for many
Like many states, Kentucky had trouble rolling out unemployment insurance payments to everyone who qualified in 2020. Recently, the state auditor testified to the state General Assembly about some of the issues that have plagued the UI system. These problems have had...
When does unemployment insurance kick in?
If you lose your job in the state of Kentucky, you'll need to figure out a way to support yourself before you find another job. Fortunately, qualified individuals can apply for unemployment insurance that replaces their paycheck while they search the job market....
New year may mean new pro-LGBTQ laws
Coming into 2021, our collective hopes and dreams are pinned on better times ahead. For some of us, we look to our state’s legislature and hope they will provide us help and protection, especially the LGBTQ community. And, for those in the LGBTQ community, there have...
How to know if you have a potentional wrongful termination suit
If you have recently lost your job, you may wonder if there are any legal actions you can take against your former employer. In many cases, the employer has all the power concerning termination of employment, but there are instances where wrongful termination can play...
Situations when an employer cannot withhold wages in Kentucky
Kentucky employees are often vulnerable to employers who seek to take advantage of them by finding questionable ways to withhold wages. While this might seem to be an issue in blue collar jobs where people who are not paid a significant amount of money, it can happen...
Issues hinder people seeking unemployment insurance in Kentucky
Various factors have led to many Kentucky residents facing challenges with their employment and their finances. The current health crisis has resulted in many people losing work. That, combined with job loss for other reasons, has sparked a crush of unemployment...
Can a worker be fired just because they are gay?
For decades, state and federal laws have protected workers from certain kinds of discrimination in the workplace. The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Kentucky Civil Rights Act and other laws prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sex, religion,...
What are the work search requirements for unemployment insurance?
The current circumstances in Kentucky and across the nation have led to inordinate challenges for a great many people. The health crisis has impact multiple aspects of life, but one area where it has created a unique set of issues is with employment. People who have...